Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Egg Drop

Every year at Ms. Angie’s preschool, there is Humpty Dumpty day.  This is the day that the kids drop an egg from the “fort” at her school and see if their egg survives.  The kids have to pack their plastic baggy with things to help the egg survive.  Some parents do all the planning for the kids (understandable…they are 3 & 4), but we like for our kids to plan it out on their own!  Last year Cole wanted to use bread.  He & Justin planned it out and ended up using hamburger buns & carving out a spot for the egg.  It worked!  This year he has said paper towels from day one.  SO…since Justin has been out of town, we did it on our own! 

We actually tried it out 2 days ago with just paper towels.  It survived the first drop, but died on the 2nd.  SO…we decided to improvise.


The Egg



First we taped cotton balls on the egg.037



Then we wrapped the egg in paper towels and filled the baggie with cotton balls.  (Forgot the plain old paper towel pic!  oops!)043  


And this just in…HIS EGG SURVIVED!!!!!!!  :) 

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