Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas...better late than never

Cole taking Natalie for a ride in his new tractor
Natalie & Grandma...Angels...check out her shirt! Thanks Kelly!

Taylor & Natalie...YES...they really are cousins!

Garrett, Cole & Gavin...too cute!

Cole & his new tractor

Cole shooting a basket before I could even put the thing together!
Cole wearing his new goggles

Natalie and a few of her presents

Cole leaving cookies & milk for santa

Cole Making Cookies
Christmas eve was a busy day! Cole, Natalie and I made Christmas Cookies for Santa. It was THE BEST recipe ever!!! After that, we napped in preparation for Christmas Mass. Cole was very entertaining and Natalie cried for half of it. After that we went home, had our first ever fried turkey (justin did an awesome job) and did our new traditions. Natalie was asleep, but Cole participated. He watched the Polar Express and LOVED it! The Justin read "The Night Before Christmas". I read the Nativity from the Gospel of Luke. We put out cookies and milk for santa also. Justin and I (I mean Santa) put out the presents.

Christmas Morning, Natalie & Cole woke up at 7:30am. They were in the BEST mood and enjoyed their toys. Cole got some tools, trucks, and a basketball goal. Natalie got a cabbage patch doll (Ryan Nina...cutest name!) and other girly things. I got a sewing machine box/cover, Taylor Swift CD, the movie Enchanted, and a waffle maker. Justin got a heart rate monitor and a meat grinder.

Christmas Day we went to Justin's parent's house. Cole got a big blue tractor and Natalie got lots of white furniture for her room (among other things). It was nice and relaxing.

The next day we went to Lubbock and stayed all weekend. We left Monday and Cole came home on Thursday. I was very sad to be away from him so long! Natalie also met her cousin, Taylor. Taylor just loved Natalie! I can't wait to see them play when they get older!!!

While in Lubbock, Cole had the best time with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Dani. They played trucks, looked at tractors, looked at trains and airplanes and just had fun. He was sad to come home...but we were happy!

1 comment:

26 said...

Too cute!! Nat is a great addition to our Angels!