Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This is TOO funny!!! My silly husband...

I still have tears in my eyes from this. I was walking to the bathroom when I noticed that I really don't look pregnant from the front on my shadow. I decided to video tape me from the front and then from the side...because man...I really pop out. Plus, I thought you'd all get a kick out of my HUGE belly & outie belly button!

At the end of my video...Justin decides to try and make his arm shadow poke at my belly button (honestly...it had something to do with the belly button...but only Justin understands what he was doing). Unfortunately...that's not what it looks like he's trying to do in the video...watch for yourself! hehe... I PROMISE...he is not some horribly nasty person. It's just how the shadow/video makes it look. We were both crying because it was so darn funny!

(Took the video out!!!)

1 comment:

James & Kelly said...

That is TOO funny...we were both cracking up!