Weight: 142.5 (up 28.5 lbs...WOW!)
BP: 110/62
Dilation: 1.5
Effaced 75%
I improved a little (shocker after being up for the past 2 nights with contractions). I asked him to sweep my membranes. It was a little uncomfortable...but nothing compared to how I feel now! I feel like he stuck his fist up there! (sorry if that was TMI!) Maybe it'll get things going!
Several people believe tomorrow is my day!
I talked to the doc long and hard about an induction date. He will be gone October29- November 2. I REALLY want him to deliver & he REALLY wants to deliver. So...initially we thought about October28th as an induction day. He told me he does NOT want me to choose that date just because he'll be there. We both agreed that we want Natalie to come on her own. We checked the on=call docs & they are both that's not a problem. of them is the Doc that delivered Cole. He's so cute...Red Haired from Columbia and speaks Spanish...yes...I spoke Spanish to him while I was having a c-section! ha! next appt is MONDAY 10/27 at 4:20pm. Then we will talk about inducing on Monday or Tuesday of the next week (11/3 or 11/4).
Maybe we won't make it until then though!!!
Yay!! It's going to be soon now!! : )
We're thinking about ya'll...
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