Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I don't understand Joy Behar

Ok...so most of you know I can't stand Joy Behar, (the redhead on The View). Everyday she makes a complete fool of herself and liberals across the world, in my opinion. Today I feel she crossed the line.

The episode started with a bashing of Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell. Sure...she's made some dumb comments. However, todays bashing was over her PRAYING. They showed clips of her saying, "Sure I think God is playing a role in this election" and, "If people want to pray for me, I ask them to pray for my staff and to open the eyes of the voters." Never does she say, "PRAY FOR ME" or "PRAY THAT GOD HELPS ME WIN" the way Joy Behar claimed she did.

Joy went on to say that you shouldn't pray for stupid things because God is too "busy" to listen to stupid prayers. He's too busy taking care of the people in Asia dealing with the typhoon. Really Joy? Do we believe in the same God? God is NEVER too busy to listen to a prayer, no matter how minor. I pray the eyes of the voters are opened too! I pray her staff knows their stuff and does what they should. I pray that my kids have a safe day and Justin has a successful day at work. I pray that my little bean baby keeps growing. Is God too busy to answer those prayers?

To top it all off...she then went on to say that Sharron Angle from Arizona is a "Bitch" (a word she has called women almost every day) and is going to Hell. She said this over and over again and SHOUTED it! So let me get this right...you believe God can't answer stupid prayers...but you can condemn people to Hell?

Joy Behar...you are ridiculous and in my opinion need to be taken off the view!


danielle s said...

I never could stand her, that's why I hate watching that show. She ruins it in my oppinion.

aschneider said...

I can't even watch that show for all the hateful comments.

Amy said...

I totally agree! She definately ruins the show for me! I watched about 5 minutes while we were on vacation and she had already made me MAD!! lol. Love you girl. Hope you are feeling well!