Saturday, December 11, 2010

15 weeks!

(14 weeks 5 days in this pic...right before going on a long walk in the cold with Maverick!)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along
: 15 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a navel orange or apple!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Don't know, don't care. (Ok...I care...I'm just scared to look!)Maternity Clothes: Jeans for sure...other than that sweat pants and t-shirts. My "nicer" shirts are maternity for the most part too.
Gender: leaning toward a girl. Not because I'm hoping for one. I don't care EITHER way as long as its healthy, but i just feel like that's what it is. :)
Movement: Felt a few kicks lately...but i'm convinced I have an anterior placenta because when I use my heartrate's hart to find the heart I'm sure I'll feel less kicks this go around (at least early on)
Sleep: GREAT! I sleep all night long again :)

What I miss: my belly button not being ugly. I already have an outie (Thanks Natalie...sheesh!)
Cravings: Nothing really? Maybe breakfast sausage recipes...sausage balls, etc. (I'm making some tonight!)
Symptoms: Sore boobies & the face of a teenager! (as in...pimple queen...I never had pimples in highschool though! UGH!) I feel like I'm waddling already too...bleh!

Soooo...I'm 15 weeks! I was SUPPOSED to have a doctor's appointment last Thursday...but APPARANTLY (read: they screwed up!) I had the wrong time. My sweet doctor is in Honduras this week doing amazingly GREAT Ihad to reschedule to 12/20!!!! Can you believe that?! Then I got it for the it's only 6 weeks between visits. BUT STILL! I was a very moody and unhappy prego lady! Good news is I SHOULD be able to schedule my ultrasound after my next appointment! about 4 more weeks to find out if it's a boy or girl! EXCITED!!!
PS~~I finally put up pics on the post below! Check them out!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving, Black Friday and The Polar Express!

The conductor. He was GREAT! Cole and nat were AMAZED when he punched their tickets!

Happy Cole & Daddy! haha!

Cole and Santa! Not too scared!

Looking at the North Pole outside! They were ADORABLE!

Ready to ride the Polar Express!

Cole at Ms. Angie's Thanksgiving Feast! How cute!

SCARY pic of Justin & I at Target Black Friday morning (circa 3:45am!) we were going on about 3.5 hours of sleep! yay us!

This Thanksgiving was really a whirlwind! This year was our year in Vernon...but somehow Justin got the weekend off! (I know...he's the boss...but it just worked out that way!) We started Thursday off in Vernon for lunch. Linda made a GREAT feast! She hasn't coooked for Thanksgiving in a few I was REALLY looking forward to it! We had turkey, homemade dressing, GIBLET gravy, cheesy green bean casserole, homemade German Noodles (one day i WILL learn how to make them!), rolls, yuuuummmy deviled eggs and all the sweets you can imagine! (including my homemade Chocolate Cream Merigne Pie...which is FABULOUS!) We stayed there until about 5 and then headed to Lubbock for latenight after thanksgiving sales!

Justin and I dropped the kids off at my parents and headed to Toys R Us at 9pm. We waited in line until 10:30 and it was CRAZY! We were search for one special toy for Cole, Buzz Light year with a remote...about $50 cheaper than original cost! I spotted one all by itself and leaned over 2 displays to get it. Immediately we were swamped with people asking where we'd found it (it was by the someone decided they didn't want it). Apparently we got the last one! (I did find one more damaged one...) It was CRAZY! We filled our basket and got back to the farm by 11:30pm.

Friday morning we woke up at be at Target at 3:30am because they opened at 4am. There we were searching for Stinky the Garbage Truck ( was the ONE toy he HAD to have) and Disney princesses. Sadly...we wouldn't have had to be there at 4am...but it was nice to get ALL their shopping DONE!!!! We got other stuff including a Blue-ray player ($100 cheaper...we had a walmart ad to match the price!). It was fun to do that with justin (was not fun on Sunday shopping for a Christmas tree with my wishy washy no decision making husband! He is sooooo picky!)

Saturday night we went to church in Slaton for Grandpa's death anniversary mass (miss you big guy!) and THEN...we went and rode the Polar Express! It was FREEZING cold outside...but totally worth the wait! The kids loved it. People danced to the song "Hot Chocolate" and brought us cookies & hot chocolate AND elves visited us AND we saw the North Pole AND...Santa came on board! Cole was so good and got his picture taken with Santa...Natalie didn't cry...but scooted to the window. haha! He gave them...sleigh bells! Very cute! The only downer was that the Engine didn't look like the Polar Express and my little train connoseiur KNEW that. He knew it wasn't real...sheesh! He had a good time though! They were so cute on there with their Christmas "jamas" as they call them (pajamas).

Sunday we headed home! We found our back gate open and couldn't find Maverick (we knew he had gotten a text from a neighbor). Strangely he was back in his house waiting for us. He has gotten out about 10 times in the last month. Just the other night he chewed through our gate and dug his way 11pm and we found him trying to get back in at 4:30am. At least he wants to come home...

That was our crazy Thanksgiving! Today Justin and I are headed to Plano to stay with Jessica and Matt (WHO ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!! He proposed Wednesday before Thanksgiving! YAY!!) and then we are going to the Big 12 National Championship Football game at Cowboy Stadium tomorrow! We also get to stay at the Hilton Anatole! Thanks to my husband who is really doing a good job at work!!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Breast Feeding

Yesterday I was watching "16 and Pregnant" on MTV. (I know, I know...but it's like watching a car wreck...can't take my eyes off it!) The new mother had her baby home for the first day and was feeding the baby a bottle of formula. She was telling her friends she was having a hard time breastfeeding because she wasn't making enough milk. This REALLY upset me! WHO IS TELLING THIS GIRL THIS?!?

Breastfeeding is a tough thing to do...but if it is ultimately best for the baby...why are mother's not better trained? ESPECIALLY young mothers who would benefit from the CHEAPEST possible way to feed their children? (I'm sure most receive WIC....but wouldn't it benefit tax payers ALSO if all mothers are more educated?)

To my point...the first 2-3 days...NO BREAST creates "milk". You are producing colostrum. It is a clear or yellowish fluid known as "Liquid Gold" because of the very important antibodies and stomach lining nutrients in it. The baby does not get much...because their tummies are TEENY TINY...and they are pretty full with what they received from your umbilical cord..,when it comes to nutrients! Around day 2 your "milk" (the white stuff) begins to come in and by day 3-4 your TRUE milk with fat in it comes in. This is when you are engorged. Sometimes this lasts even longer! The only way to help your milk come in is to feed your baby often! For my kids it was every 2-3 hours. Sometimes it was even more often than that (and this became true again during growth spurts at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 14 weeks, and 16 weeks!) The more your breasts are stimulated...the more milk your breasts create! When mothers try to set a schedule too early by only feeding them every 3 hours...they are in turn...RUINING their supply! If a baby is hungry more often...its the babies cue to your breasts to MAKE MORE MILK! And your breasts WILL DO IT!

It is easy to see why a mother might think she's not producing milk at first...if no one informs her of this info! It just breaks my heart...because I know they don't know any better.

Now...I know some women have true issues...but only 1-3% of women TRULY have supply issues. Sometimes breastfeeding can put women into Post Pardum depression because they feel tied down...or disgusted...and I recommend formula feeding or pumping. Nobody benefits from PPD. I also have friends who have had breast reductions and usually breastfeeding isn't possible (although the surgery is TOTALLY worth it! I have the exact OPPOSITE issue :)). Totally understand that! I mean...their baby MUST eat!

Many mothers like to pump to have a bottle that the dad...or grandma...or someone else can give while they go out...or sleep...whatever. Please keep in mind that every time your baby has a should be pumping! Otherwise your supply will dwindle!

Sorry...this is just something I feel so strongly about! NOT just about breastfeeding...I understand that it is not for anybody...and I promise I'm not a breast-snob! :) I feel strongly about women being educated on what is normal for breastfeeding! That way they can make the BEST choice for their child!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

12 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along:
12 weeks
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a plum!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Last week I weighed less than my starting weight???
Maternity Clothes: when I put on jeans...yes. Wore a few maternity shirts. Not because I really need them, but because i have no comfy shirts for this time of year! for the past 4 years or so I have either been VERY pregnant in fall (9 months or 7 months) or very NOT prego. Nothing in between! So tee-shirts and a few maternity shirts is what you'll catch me in!
Gender: leaning toward a girl. Not because I'm hoping for one. I don't care EITHER way as long as its healthy, but i just feel like that's what it is. :)
Movement: I think the movement I felt last week MUST have been gas. I've felt NOTHING from my nudger this week :( Kind of scary!
Sleep: Sleep has been good!!! Less night time pee breaks and I have even slept all night a few times!!
What I miss: having an endless supply of energy!
Cravings: A bean burrito...don't care where from! Do you know that we have NO fast food taco shops in Childress?! Really...somebody...add one!
Symptoms: Still not much energy...sore boobs :) pimples (bleh!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"You're My Best Friend Mommy"

This post is dedicated to Cole.

My sweet Coley-ole-O...oh how I love you!!! For the past few months he has been a Mommy's boy...and I've got to say...I love it! For the first 2 years of his life...he was a Daddy's boy! A few weeks ago he came up to me and said, "'re my best friend." Now he reminds me of it every day! He tells me I'm pretty and gives the baby kisses on my tummy...just a sweetie pie!

He is also a VERY big helper! Anything I need...I just have to ask him and he get it for me...or do it for me...give me the remote...put this poopie diaper in the garage....etc. (Hey...I'm prego...he can help a little! lol)

He is doing soooo good in preschool! I never would have though he would love it as much as he does. When we went school shopping for him this summer...he picked out certain shirts. Now...those are the only shirts he likes to wear to preschool...and don't ask him to wear those shirts outside of school...they are special school shirts :)

Cole has such a tender heart that melts me everyday! He shares his "friends" stuffed animals with me and Natalie...he likes to go "camping" on his bed everyday too. His latest fascination is the plane Earth and the moon. He just wants to understand EVERYTHING about it! he doesnt' quite grasp that the big blue circle we look at is what we are living on...but he's trying! haha!

He does NOT like "girly things" (that's his word for it). So...NO pink ANYTHING, no princess things...and do NOT call him a prince!

He is also potty trained 99%! The remaining 1% is because he still wets the bed at night...but some boys (including his daddy) take a really long time at that. I'm so relieved that I don't have to deal with pull ups during the day! He just goes to the potty when he needs to on his own :)

He still loves his trains..but also enjoys "hunting" and race cars :) Oh yes...and he still loves Taylor Swift. His daddy hung her picture up on his desk and he points her out everyday. He also loves hearing her on the radio, "Is that my girlfriend Taylor Swift?"...and 99% of the time he's right! haha!

Cole is the kind of kiddo that just melts your heart everyday. He is very considerate and is just so loving and CUTE! I love you buddy...and I hope I can always be your best friend!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

10 weeks 4 days

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 10 weeks 4 days
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a strawberry!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: don't know don't care :)
Maternity Clothes: when I put on jeans...yes. Not wearing any maternity shirts, just a lot of t-shirts.
Gender: No clue....
Movement: Hmm...sometimes I think I feel a teeny, tiny nudge. I know it's probably too early...but when you've done this three kind of know what it feels like. COULD be gas...but I think it's my little nudger :) (What book is that from??????)
Sleep: Starting to get better sleep! I got a new Snoogle pillow...and it helps me get to sleep quickly. HOWEVER, it also requires a lot of moving of it if you want to change positions and this sometimes make me lie awake awhile. I wake up at least once to go potty too...sometimes twice.
What I miss: a pretty waistline
Cravings: Cutie oranges?
Symptoms: Tired, peeing a lot, that's about it! Lazy...typical :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Natalie Ann is TWO!

I'm a bad mom and just realized I never did her OFFICIAL birthday post!

Natalie you are TWO YEARS OLD!!! You weigh about 26 lbs and are pretty tall for a girl I think (haven't measure her lately! lol). You wear 24 months and 2t clothing. You can still fit into some 18 month clothes but they are too short...haha! You wear a size 6 or 7 shoe and a size 5 diaper :)

You definitely are a character! I love hearing you carry on conversation with people! Usually you are talking or arguing with Bubba...who you usually call Cole Thomas Pierce. You absolutely personify the PRINCESS personality! You LOVE princesses and dress up! You also love lipstick and have your own new set! still suck your fingers. When we try to tell you to cry and say you want them. I don't have the heart to make you stop. It's very comforting for you. Right now you are watching Beauty and the Beast all curled up on the recliner and sucking those fingers.

Recently you decided that since Taylor Swift was Bubba's girlfriend...she would be your girlfriend too. I didn't really like that I told you Taylor Lautner could be your boyfriend and after looking at his agreed! Now when anyone asks youwho your boyfriend is, you say, "Taylor Otner" sooooo cute!

Your favorite toy is still Kitty. She goes everywhere with you. Now that we know she's safe in the washer, she gets regular baths and looks pretty again! You also love BIG teddy bears! You roll on the ground with them until you get tired of them and say, "You're a big ole BULLY" Not sure why you think that? For your birthday you got 2 Doras and you love them too.

Going to sleep is getting better for you again FINALLY! You still wake up saying you're scared of the worms, but then you say, "They live far, far away...outside!" One of your Doras is a night time dora and that has made it better for you going to sleep.

Your hair is curly, curly! Most days it's kinky, but on humid's GORGEOUS! PERFECT ringlets... Hopefully I'll figure out how to work curly hair! Most days you wear it in a little ponytail on the side of your head (halfway up). I HAVE to spray it with detangler and/or water to even comb it...even if you've just had a bath! is beautiful and you get lots of compliments on it!

You are also a big Grandpa's girl! When we are around Grandpa you want to be with him more than anyone else (especially if Cole is with Grandma). That's sweet because I L.O.V.E.D. my grandpa so much too!

Your favorite food is Macaroni and Cheese and oranges. Which is not surprising since I craved oranges when I was pregnant with you! eat just about anything! Your favorite drink is chocolate milk (milk with ovaltine). pretty much refuse any other drink. I get some water in before nap and night night...but thats it! You prefer milk above all else!

Natalie Ann, you are the sweetest and most loving girl I could have ever asked for! Your smile is ever present and you live to make us laugh! I know you will be the BEST big sister the new baby could ask for...Cole thinks you are the best LITTLE sister so far! You give your Daddy and me the bEST hugs. We love you little princess!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Natalie's Birthday and Halloween

We celebrated Natalie's birthday with a Princess party on Saturday (10/30). If you didn't get an invite...don't feel bad...I didn't mail ANY out! I know, I know...bad. I'm going to try and send out photos with the thank you cards! Anyway...she had a great time! She CRIED as we sang happy birthday to her...but later had fun! she got too many presents and ate too much cake, but she had a wonderful time! For Halloween we went trick or treating downtown. Cole was woody and Natalie was Cinderella! Enjoy the pics!

2 cinderellas, Snow White and Woody :)

Snow White. This was during her party. She LOVES dress up! Definitely a girly girl!

She got a Strawberry shortcake and 2 Doras! (among many other things!)

Disney princess shoes aunt Nini got her!

The box full of Disney Princess dress up clothes from Grandma & grandpa! (Belle, Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty...who she calls Briar Rose)

Crying for her birthday song! She kept saying, "STOP" And look at the cake! It's BEAUTIFUL! Justin's mom always orders their cakes from Rita, a family friend and she always does an amazing job!

Trying to blow out the candles!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

9 weeks 4 days

(don't worry...I'll post halloween and Natalie b-day party pics soon!)
Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 9 weeks 4 days
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a large grape or olive!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: total..2 lbs (no weight gain! yay!)
Maternity Clothes: hehe...YES! Justin got out my tub and I've never been so happy to see them! I LOVE my maternity clothes! I'm a much better dresser prego than not! I don't need them all the time...but the pants are sooo nice to have!! My jeans were all getting too tight and I'm not big on the rubber band trick anymore. :)
Gender: No clue....
Movement: Nada! unless you count gas bubbles!
Sleep: Starting to get better sleep! I wake up at least once to go potty...sometimes twice.
What I miss: running. 'nuff said.
Cravings: Taco Villa
Symptoms: Tired, peeing a lot, that's about it! My nausea has been absent this week and I'm STARTING TO HAVE GOOD DAYS! Not a TON of energy...but...I've taken a shower before the girls get here in the that's a plus!! (ok...only twice this week...but still!)
Best Moment this week: Doctor's visit TODAY! We weren't sure if we would get to hear the heartbeat with the doppler, but good ole Dr. Henderson found it! What a relief...thank GOD for blessing me with this sweet little baby!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Party!

Cole had 2 Halloween parties this week! One at each preschool. He attend's Ms. Angie's preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am-10:45am and Ms. Carol's on Wednesdays from 8am-10:45am. Next year he will attend 4 days a week! They are both very different as far as teaching styles go...but he loves them BOTH!

ANYWAYS...he had 2 parties and boy did they get lots of stuff! Parents (well most parents) made snacks for the parties AND sent goodies for their pumpkins. I had no clue that it started THIS EARLY! The pictures are from Ms. Angie's party. :)

Ms. Angie making a pumpkin out of paper to the tune of a story....can't remember it! Every day for story time they sit on the red line :)
Fat Janet and Cole at the party. LOOK at all that food. sheesh. AND...I've really only gained 2 pounds at the most...hard to tell by my puffy face.

Cinderella attended the party too! And ate a cupcake and got her dress dirty :)

Cole (Woody) and Ms. Angie! He adores her!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I don't understand Joy Behar most of you know I can't stand Joy Behar, (the redhead on The View). Everyday she makes a complete fool of herself and liberals across the world, in my opinion. Today I feel she crossed the line.

The episode started with a bashing of Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell. Sure...she's made some dumb comments. However, todays bashing was over her PRAYING. They showed clips of her saying, "Sure I think God is playing a role in this election" and, "If people want to pray for me, I ask them to pray for my staff and to open the eyes of the voters." Never does she say, "PRAY FOR ME" or "PRAY THAT GOD HELPS ME WIN" the way Joy Behar claimed she did.

Joy went on to say that you shouldn't pray for stupid things because God is too "busy" to listen to stupid prayers. He's too busy taking care of the people in Asia dealing with the typhoon. Really Joy? Do we believe in the same God? God is NEVER too busy to listen to a prayer, no matter how minor. I pray the eyes of the voters are opened too! I pray her staff knows their stuff and does what they should. I pray that my kids have a safe day and Justin has a successful day at work. I pray that my little bean baby keeps growing. Is God too busy to answer those prayers?

To top it all off...she then went on to say that Sharron Angle from Arizona is a "Bitch" (a word she has called women almost every day) and is going to Hell. She said this over and over again and SHOUTED it! So let me get this believe God can't answer stupid prayers...but you can condemn people to Hell?

Joy are ridiculous and in my opinion need to be taken off the view!

Friday, October 22, 2010

8 weeks! (or more?)

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along
: 7wks 6days (ultrasound shows 8wks 4days?)
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a kidney bean!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: lost 2 lbs from last only up 2 lbs!
Maternity Clothes: No...but I'm in that bloated stage and I think I'll be in them by 10 weeks...then I won't have to squeeze into my pants anymore!!! I live in workout pants and t-shirts these days!
Gender: No clue....Heart rate was 165...
Movement: Nada!
Sleep: sleeping HORRIBLY! I toss and turn and my back and hips's HORRIBLE!
What I miss: feeling decent. I feel like a lump on a log...a painful lump.
Cravings: All food sounds terrible to me right now. I have to make myself eat...but then I can't stop!
Symptoms: EXHAUSTION, nausea...oh how I hate you, (haven't been sick yet though), more frequent potty breaks, gas, backache and some abdominal pain also.
Best Moment this week: Doctor's visit TODAY! I went because of excruciating back pain. They did an ultrasound and the baby is measuring 8 weeks 4 days with a heart rate of 165bpm! It looked big and I even saw it's little arm & leg nubs move around! lol!

I'm still in a lot of pain...we aren't sure why...but I'm so relieved that the baby is fine! I'm hoping that the pain goes away so I can somewhat enjoy this pregnancy!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Natalie is a SCARED little girl :(

I made a DUMB move yesterday and didn't even realize it! I was flipping through the channels and came across the movie, "Tremors". I stopped and watched it and then got distracted. Natalie and Cole had been playing in the play room, but all of a sudden I heard, "OH NO MOMMY! OH NO!!!" Natalie was crying and scared. of those darn snakes had eaten a man! EEK! I flipped the channel and told her it was pretend and kicked myself for making my baby witness that! I figured she was ok... Um...NO!

Last night she had her stories read to her and prayed....and then the drama started. She wanted the light ON...but that wasn't good enough, she wanted us to carry her and hold her and read to her and SLEEP IN OUR BED. I tried to just shut her in her room...but I felt guilty because she was SHAKING. She kept saying, "There's something out my window". Which of course there WASN'T...but I felt strange trying reason with this 1 year old! haha! Cole went and gave her a kiss and said, "Baby...there's no ghosts or monsters in your room!" (not sure if that helped or hurt the I even got my statue of Mary (Jesus' know...a Catholic thing) and let her give her a kiss and put her on her dresser and told her that Mary was watching out for her. Worked for a little bit....but Finally I agreed to let her stay in my room, but she stayed up for at least an hour talking. "Mommy, listen to me...I'm talking to you!". "Mommy, I love kitty and Bubba and Daddy and You and Grandma and Grandpa and Mimi and Papa..." "Look Mommy, Kitty's playing Hide & seek...PEEK A BOO" This seriously went on for an hour. FINALLY she fell asleep. She woke up about 3 times telling me to "TURN DA LIGHT ON!"

Today I went to lay her down for a nap (12:30pm) and it was daylight and she STILL wanted the lights on! I tried laying on her floor while she was in her crib...but she talked, and I finally got out of her room and she screamed for a few minutes...I went back in there and she said, "Mommy I cried for 10 minutes already". Seriously? How does she even know that? After a kiss and hug for Mary...she finally crashed and I got a good nap in!!!

Lesson not EVER EVER EVER let your babies catch a glimpse of a scary movie. It is totally not worth it! :) I promise to try to be a better Mommy! Hoping for a better night tonight!

Monday, October 11, 2010

6 weeks!

I'm 6 weeks and 2 days :) Maybe I'll try to do this my whole pregnancy! AND...maybe I'll add pictures!

Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 6 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Pierce is the size of a peppercorn! lol!!!!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 4 lbs (don't judge me! I never gained weight until past 10 weeks with my other 2!!!)
Maternity Clothes: No...but I'm in that bloated stage and I think I'll be in them by 10 weeks...then I won't have to squeeze into my pants anymore!!! I live in workout pants and t-shirts these days!
Gender: No clue....although I think my symptoms are similair to Cole's....maybe boy?
Movement: Nada! DUH! I felt natalie really maybe 10 weeks or so? So I'm hoping soon! Well...except excessive gas bubbles :)
Sleep: I try to nap once a day while the kiddos are napping...but still not getting enough sleep at night because I refuse to give up reading at night...and it's TV season and all my shows are until 10pm!
What I miss: Working out HARD...sheesh! I can't even jog 3 miles without stopping...I think if I would slow down I could...but I'm silly and like to run at my normal pace.
Cravings: All food sounds terrible to me right now. I have to make myself eat...but then I can't stop!
Symptoms: EXHAUSTION, nausea...oh how I hate you, (haven't been sick yet though), more frequent potty breaks (like today at aerobics, ha!), gas...ugh, dizziness
Best Moment this week: Doctor's visit last Wednesday and everything seemed fine! NO ultrasound until 20 weeks! Can you believe it???? They drew blood and said they'd call if there was anything calls yet!

Friday, October 8, 2010

October Happenings

Just thought I'd share a few pictures from this month! We are loving fall and enjoying preschool! haha! They are doing great and seem to be happy, normal kids!

~Cole is currently learning the letter E and the number 4 and the color Orange.
~He seems to be adjusting well to preschool. He loves Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Carol!
~He is doing GREAT at potty training and I finally see an end in sight!

~Natalie is still our little chatterbox! She likes to say, "Watch out MISTER" and "I have a baby in my tummy". haha!
~She knows her colors for the most part and can count to ten...although she usually does it like this, "TWO, FOUR, SIX, EIGHT".
~Her curly hair is continuously both unruly and so cute at the same time!

They love each other and love us. They are both excited to have a new baby in the family! I am too!! If I can just keep my stress level low.

Enjoy the pictures!

Fire Prevention week = a fun ride on the fire truck around the neigborhood!

Cole and the fire truck!

Cole's preschool class with "Mrs. Angie" ( can see Natalie behind cole...hehe)

Fun fall project we did! I told them to go pick up leaves. Cole found great leaves. Natalie picked two leaves off the Chrysanthamum bush. I had to explain she needed to find DEAD leaves. ha!

Seriously...he's just the cutest boy I've ever seen. I LOVE that he has his Daddy's eyes!!

My little Red Raider fan (for now)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Our 7th Anniversary!

Today Justin and I have been married for 7 years! It seems like yesterday in so many ways....but it also seems like a LIFETIME ago too (actually 2 lifetimes ago!) We've been together ALMOST 10 years!
During the time of getting ready for our wedding we were opening up 2 new Market Streets in Dallas. We literally worked all day and either saw each other all day or didn't see each other at all. I was overly stressed planning a wedding in Lubbock...while working and living in Dallas. Our wedding day was the BEST DAY EVER! I relaxed and married my best friend! Everything was perfect in its imperfect way! Our cake tilted a bit, i had a big pimple, it sprinkled a little, we hardly had anyfood at the dinner...haha! The honeymoon was our first vacation in a year and I was in SHOCK! lol! I wish we were going on a trip to the Mayan Riviera RIGHT NOW! lol! Maybe for our 10 year!!!
In honor of our 7th anniversary, here are 7 things I love about my husband:
1. He looooooves me :)
2. He works so hard to provide for us...seriously...I'm so proud of him! (and...I've always thought he's soooo sexy in his United manager shirt!)
3. He is an AMAZING father. If I had to go on a surprise 2 week trip alone today...I would have NO doubts what so ever about leaving the kids with him. We are equals when it comes to parenting! In fact...our kids would probably rather be with him than me...haha!
4. He forgives my crazy moods...which have been more common the past few weeks ;)
5. He takes care of me. I always feel safe and loved when Justin is with me. (unless it's a tornado...haha...long funny story)
6. His faith grows daily...and really...he is the epitomy of good. If you know Justin you know he is one of the RARE, downright good men. I look at Justin and KNOW that God is good!!
7. He is my best friend. There's nobody I'd rather be with at anytime. I share everything with him and he keeps me sane. I still get butterflies in my tummy when I see him and I still can't believe he's mine forever! Thank you God!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September Catch-up

Time has flown!!

On the preschool front--Cole actually didn't cry on Thursday! This was the first day out of 6 classes he didn't cry!! (I did though...haha!) He REALLY loves preschool! The class before Labor Day weekend, they learned all about the American flag (they say the pledge of allegiance every day). After that class he kept pointing out the window saying, "Look at that fag! Look! American fag!" I was very confused until I realized he meant FLAG. haha! He comes home with work everyday! They learn a new letter/number every week. He got a reading chart (and he filled up 25 books in a few days) and a tooth brushing chart. He loves to color in the chart each time he brushes his teeth...and I catch him brushing his teeth several times throughout the day!

Natalie is doing great also! She LOVES her babies and most especially her bunny rabbits (that's what she calls them...bunny rabbits..cute!). She feeds them bottles and juice and food! One funny thing she does is calls Cole...Cole Thomas Pierce. Like just now I was giving them medicine and she RAN out to the play room and said, "Cole Thomas Pierce! Mommy has you medicine!!!!" haha! She also calls me, "Mommy Pierce" or "Janet Pierce" and Justin is "Daddy Pierce" or "Justin Pierce". If you ask her name she usually says, "Baby Nani", but I've been teaching her "Natalie ann" and she's getting better at that! She also says, "OH.MY.GOSH." It is HILARIOUS!!! Anything that natalie LOVES was apparantly given to her by Auntie Jess. (not really...but she says that) For example, her favorite baby...she told brynn the other day, "Auntie Jess give it to me!"...and so on. So far Jessica has given her spoons, bowls, bibs, toys, movies, clothes...and the list grows daily. haha! She also thinks she is going to Miss Angie's & Miss Carol's. She will tell you that SHE is in preschoool and Miss Angie is her teacher. After I drop off the big kids at preschool she always asks, "Where'd Bubba go? Oh...Preschool! I go too?" Last week she said, "Bubba didn't cry! YAY!" hahahahahaha

Their FAVORITE movie is "UP". Auntie Jessica gave this to them and we watch it ALMOST every day! Cole quotes lines from the movie and tells me about it all day long. "I've wanted to do this my whole life!" haha! That's just one of the quotes!

They both love counting...Cole goes up to 20...but skips 2...not sure why? Natalie goes to about 7...but she will randomly throw in 10, 12, 15...etc.

That's it so far in September!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of Preschool

It's here! Cole had his first day of preschool!! He has been so excited & talking about it so much! I thought for SURE he would be fine today. NOOOOOOO. He cried & wailed, "Mommy, stay here with me!!!" I left...and didn't cry outwardly...haha! I had the two little miss "thangs" to take care of! They played separately...but seemed to have fun. Natalie would randomly ask, "where'd Bubba go?" When I told her preschool, she'd say "Oh, O-tay".

When I picked up Cole & Chandler they were sitting quietly, just painting away! Ms. Angie asked them to wash their hands, so they did...and Cole put away his paintbrush. She said that he would NOT put paint on his hands to do the traditional "first day of school handprint" on the wall :(. (One of the girls I taught for 7th grade about 3 years ago has her handprint up there too). He also wouldn't make a crown. I think he associates crowns with "princesses" and he is NOT a princess. He's always hated me to call him a prince...he prefers big boy. As for the handprint...I'm hoping he does it Thursday...if not, I will try to stay late with him so we can do it together.

They told me all about preschool & how it rained when they were outside & Ms. Angie said it was muddy. haha! They were very excited & I hope it goes as well the rest of the week! (minus the crying!) Here are a few pics! (the ones with the little girls are just "pretend". they wanted to pretend to go to preschool too!) The outside pics were the ones RIGHT before we went to school! Inside ones are after preschool!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Preschool Open house

Our first steps toward preschool have come and gone! This week we had open house for Ms. Angie's and Ms. Carol's!

For Ms. Angie's he was pretty perfect! It was last night at 6pm and he had aCTUALLY taken a nap! He sat next to me and read an abc book :) So cute! We talked to Ms. Angie and he and natalie argued about who would be going to see Ms. Angie (Natalie thinks preschool is for HER, "MY preschool, MY Ms. Angie")

Ms. Carol's was a different story! We stayed up late last night after going out to eat for my birthday and playing outside because it was soooo pretty. Well...SOMEONE (who put him to bed for the first time in names spoken) forgot to give him his allergy medicine...Needless to say he woke up with a horrible allergy induced head cold of some sort and was crying & miserable. THEN we had a big ordeal over donuts and staying clean. He spent about 20 minutes of SELF INDUCED time out in his room. (as in...I told him when he could stop crying...he could come out...he CHOSE to stay in there and cry that long). Sooooo he was grumpy and tired when we got to Ms. Carol's and he whined & cried & wouldn't share. However, by the end of the hour he was fine, putting together legos and puzzles & talking to the kids & laughing.

Here are some pics from this week!! The one of him by himself was him in front of Ms. Angie's preschool :)

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today is the first day of school for kids in Childress...and Cole will start preschool next week! There is no Monday-Friday preschool in Childress (other than through the school district), so he is attending two different preschools. One, with Ms. Angie, will be on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8am-10:45am. It is a Christian based preschool with an emphasis on social skills. The other is with Ms. Carol...a former teacher. They will meet on Wednesday from 8am-9:45am. It is more "school" oriented.

We took Cole for a little "one on one" meet the teacher on Friday (Angie). He walked in and was a little apprehensive, but he quickly warmed up and found the cars to play with. We are so excited for him! He WANTS to learn and REALLY needs to be around more kids his age...especially boys.

When we left, I asked him what his favorite thing about preschool was. He said, "Angie". sweet!

Official, "Open House" for both are this week. Angie's is Thursday afternoon and Carol's is Friday morning. I am really looking forward to meeting the other kiddos & parents...even though we knnow most already! I know there are 10 in his "Angie" class...and we know at least 4 of them.

On another note...I turn the big 30 this week!!!! Mixed emotions...but mainly ready to get it over with!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ruidoso 2010

SORRY! (suzanne especially!) I have been soooo busy! Stop rolling your eyes at me...those of you who think I do nothing all day but watch soap operas! I got asked a few months ago if I would give 2 teacher workshops in Vernon. Of course I said yes...and it took me a while to get back in THAT mindset...needless to say...from the moment we got back from Ruidoso until NOW...that has been all I think about or work on in my free time. I also taught a teacher workshop to sunday school teachers (that was awesome). During this time I started keeping my friend Alana's 2 little girls since she is going back to work teaching. While they are ANGELS and suuuuuuch a blessing to my kids lives...having 4 in the house most of the day is a lot of work (props to you Amy!!!). Soooo....please accept my apology for not blogging and know that it's not just because I'm lazy!


Remember how I posted about how we go to the Mescalero Indian Reservation every year? WELLLLLLLLLL...2 years ago Ruidoso COMPLETELY flooded (watch video)

(we were supposed to go camp THE DAY after this...imagine if we'd been there...when the video said, "mescalero"...that's the rez...we would have been wiped out!!) It never has been repaired. Of course we never figured this out until we pulled up to the gate with our trailer and pickups and the gate was locked. URGH. We drove around for about 2 hours and finally found a decent campground. It turned out to be GREAT...not as shaded and secluded as the rez...but was quiet and peaceful and had GREAT river access. The kids LOVED it! Digging and building train tracks...what more could they ask for?

They WERE having a bear problem...the first 2 problems. THEN on the FINAL night I woke up to a SNORT (if you've been around KNOW a bear snort)...and it was right in my ear (due to both kids finding their way into my sleeping face was literally poking out of the tent...not OUT of it but you know). I screamed and Justin got mad at me (why? I'm not sure??? Denial?) ANYWAY...within 20 minutes we heard a NEW sound...I figured a baby bear got lost and the momma bear was searching for it...Daddy and Justin drove all around the empty campsites (we were the only ones there) spotlighting for it...found nothing. They figured it was a dying deer....who knows...all i DO know is that it was still making that sad/painful noise when we left the next day!

Overall a fun trip...but MAN were we ready to be home! 3 nights with no baths is a LOT...but the kids loved it!! Looking forward to the next time! Cole talks about it ALL the time! "I want to go camping tomorrow" is what I hear a lot! Here are a few pics!